We are all broken but that wasn’t what God intended, nor was it how things started out. But that wasn’t what God intended! He made the world and said it was good. Six times God said it was good! After He made man and all things He said it was very good!
Our adversary deceived our original parents, and ever since people have walked away from God and we now live in a fallen world, with fractured amd broke lives.
But our God is at work, restoring people and the world, making all things new. Jesus put on humanity and freed us from the penalty of sin. He by the Holy Spirit is daily freeing us from the power and presence of sin!
God, the creator of the universe and restorer of our souls also invites us to participate in His restorative work in the lives of people all around us!
We are called to point people to Jesus so they too can find hope and healing. That is our mission. We want to help broken people become passionate followers of Jesus.